Archivio storico "Il sessantotto" di Firenze

The cultural policy of Milan is an image to be defaced.
The violent closure of the Cox18 squat and Primo Moroni Archive is a political choice that everyone in the world must know.

Funding culture decreased gradually and simultaneously self-organized cultural centers are closed with violence.

The Primo Moroni Archive with its collection of books, magazines and documents on socio-economic, historical, philosophical and political issues in realtion to contemporary societies conflicts has been an important cultural education center for younger people also thanks to the activity of the Cox18 squat.

A collaboration between a social archive Social and a squat is the best counteraction to the spread of sexist and racist violence throughout society: it is this one the political reason that Milan chosed to close the experience of Cox18?

What do you think researchers, university professors and students that in recent years have used the archive for their work?

What people of the Academies of Fine Arts say in this respect also them more and more isolated in their artistic activities?

Milan is preparing for the Expo 2015 and even before on 209 a major international cultural event namely the World Congress on Libraries and

Information to be held in collaboration with the 'International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions'.

We call for an action all the social archives to make understand libraries of the world that Milan is not carrying out at all good practicies within its cultural policy.

The image of Milan and its cultural policy is actually a gray wall on which it is necessary to write graffiti with the many colours of our disagreement. Centro studi politici e sociali - Archivio storico "Il sessantotto" di Firenze Archivio 99 sulla memoria digitale



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