Entrata gratuita, dalle 21’00 proiezione del film
“Vivir la Utopia” (96′, Paco Rios 1997)

This video program consists of 30 interviews with survivors of the 1936-1939 Spanish Revolution, plus the recorded voices of former dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera, of his son José Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the “Falange” [the equivalent of the Fascist Party of Italy and the Nazi Party of Germany]and that of a known anarchist militant, Juan García Oliver, who became the Minister of Justice of the Republic.

> Il programma della rassegna

https://www.inventati.org/molino/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/logo-molino-01.pnghttps://www.inventati.org/molino/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/logo-molino-01-150x150.pngCinemaEntrata gratuita, dalle 21'00 proiezione del film 'Vivir la Utopia' (96', Paco Rios 1997) This video program consists of 30 interviews with survivors of the 1936-1939 Spanish Revolution, plus the recorded voices of former dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera, of his son José Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the 'Falange'...MOLINO.NOBLOGS.ORG (NUOVO SITO)

Contatta il Molino

Contatto telefonico
+41(0)91 942 12 21

Per info generali:
CS()A il Molino
Viale Cassarate 8
6900 Lugano (Ch)
