Q3 project (grove drum’n’bass da Lugano)
Inizio concerti 22’30
Entrata: 5.- o 3€

clicca sul volantino per ingrandirlo

> qtrio.ch

The shared interest in jazz and excellent relationship are the main reasons for starting the Q³ project by the three brothers Nolan, Simon and Brian Quinn. The repertoire of the trio comprises almost exclusively original compositions characterised by the clever combination of jazz and drum’n’bass elements. The compositions, carefully arranged and structured by means of interludes and ostinatos, leave ample space for single and collective improvisation, while alternative and innovative techniques allows execution on solely acoustic instruments of electronic drum’n’bass music. In October 2005 On Cue, the first album of the trio co-produced by the Swiss national radio network Rete Due and distributed by the label Altrisuoni, has been released. Q³ was the winner of the Nescafé Gold Jazz Award 2005, finalist of the ZKB Jazzpreis 2006, and was featured at the festivals Clusone Jazz 2005 and Suisse Diagonales Jazz 2007. So far, the trio has performed at numerous venues and festivals in Switzerland, Italy and The Netherlands and has collaborated with artists such as Ruud Wiener, Luca Gusella, Roberto Pianca, and DJ Sosa.

Informazioni su come e dove parcheggiare!
> Programma aprile-giugno CSOA il Molino

https://www.inventati.org/molino/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/q3_pic.jpghttps://www.inventati.org/molino/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/q3_pic-150x150.jpgSala AttivitàQ3 project (grove drum'n'bass da Lugano) Inizio concerti 22'30 Entrata: 5.- o 3€ clicca sul volantino per ingrandirlo > qtrio.ch The shared interest in jazz and excellent relationship are the main reasons for starting the Q³ project by the three brothers Nolan, Simon and Brian Quinn. The repertoire of...MOLINO.NOBLOGS.ORG (NUOVO SITO)

Contatta il Molino

Contatto telefonico
+41(0)91 942 12 21

Per info generali:
CS()A il Molino
Viale Cassarate 8
6900 Lugano (Ch)
