A Phone for Each Identity

Eve wants to be sure that her work identity can never be connected to her official one - not by stalkers, or neighbours, or even by state authorities.

Eve knows that phones have several weak spots that can make her easier to track. So, to be sure, the first thing she did after deciding on her work name was to buy a new phone with a new pre-paid SIM card for her new identity.

She has registered all of her online work accounts with the new phone number, accesses her online work accounts only with her work phone, and when she goes to her work appointments only brings this device with her and leaves her other personal phone at home.

She is also aware that a common stalker might find out where she is by looking at geolocation metadata in the pictures and posts she publishes online, so she has disabled GPS access for the apps in her phone and keeps her GPS off all the time – except for only briefly when she really needs to find her position on a map.