05.05.2018 - Thunder of Jah ArmyThunder of jah Army (Milano Dub Station) FT.
Idren Natural (UK) first time inna Ticino! MEETS
Majestic Elements Soundsystem

HOSTED & POWERED by Majestic Elements Soundsystem

Finally back @Csoa Molino with full Soundsystem & Crew!! Really Looking forward for this session! Heavywheight bass/conscious lyrics/ deep Roots Reggae Dub vibes/ positive behaviour!

Merchandise/ FOOD

Entry 5.- /4 €

https://www.inventati.org/molino/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/05-05-2018-thunder-of-jah-army.jpghttps://www.inventati.org/molino/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/05-05-2018-thunder-of-jah-army-150x150.jpgSala Attivitàdub,reggaeThunder of jah Army (Milano Dub Station) FT. Idren Natural (UK) first time inna Ticino! MEETS Majestic Elements Soundsystem HOSTED & POWERED by Majestic Elements Soundsystem Finally back @Csoa Molino with full Soundsystem & Crew!! Really Looking forward for this session! Heavywheight bass/conscious lyrics/ deep Roots Reggae Dub vibes/ positive behaviour! Merchandise/ FOOD Entry 5.-...MOLINO.NOBLOGS.ORG (NUOVO SITO)

Contatta il Molino

Contatto telefonico
+41(0)91 942 12 21

Per info generali:
CS()A il Molino
Viale Cassarate 8
6900 Lugano (Ch)
